
To the clouds! Asus Tablet PC development effort goes era

times for the mobile Internet to provide better support. huawei android tablet review Expensive hardware, the terminal is not convenient to carry, short standby time mobile Internet these constraints the problem is easily solved with Tablet PC. ASUS has a deformed thin plate EeePad TF101 shape, the thickest just 12.98mm, the weight of the tablet PC 680g, even connected to the base of its weight far lighter than a laptop, more user-friendly portable.
Known as "deformed flat" ASUS EeePad TF101,
huawei android tablet review also has dual-core, wholesale android tablet review dual mode, dual battery "three dual-mode." Equipped with the NVIDIA ® Tegra ™ 2 Duo processor (clocked at 1.0GHz) of the EeePad TF101, is the industry's first intelligent dual-core tablet PC, the memory is 1GB, same time be able to run smoothly handle multiple tasks more comprehensive. With the keyboard on the base of its tailored Docking, EeePad TF101 transformed into a notebook computer model to a more user-friendly to use. In the life side, EeePad TF101 itself not only ultra-long standby time 9.5 hours, even after the plug in the base can be extended to 16 hours, so that users can enjoy uninterrupted power in the mobile life.Ultra-light "weight", ultra-fast operation, super-easy to use, ultra-long standby time, ASUS deformation plate EeePad TF101 provides users with a truly mobile Internet era is not binding.
From the "cloud computing" concept was proposed
huawei android tablet review starting the computer network world, destined to usher in a radical innovation. Today, the "cloud time" has been hailed as a new generation of information technology industry, an important part of the industry even be called "Following the personal computer, the Internet after the third wave of information technology." Major IT companies from global concern about its practice to the introduction of related products is not difficult to see, "says Time" from the topic gradually becoming a distant reality. Then, in the cloud age, your terminal equipment selected it?

