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Square in St. Peter's Basilica before Rome's most huawei android tablet review famous square. This focus on the essence of each era of the square, the ground slab with a small black square brick, marble colonnades on both sides surrounded by a semicircular, shape and harmonious, magnificent. There are 284 columns and portico 88 square columns. Sub-row four, the formation of three corridors. Place each stone towards the top of the platform, each with a 3.2-meter-high marble statue, they are the history of the Roman Catholic Church's martyrs, look different, life. Stood a wide central square tip high sky stone plug. Monument on the tip shape of the cross of Jesus is crucified.

This monument is said year to 40 years from Egypt. St. Peter said
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With quiet music, the notes slowly, I huawei android tablet review walked quietly around the corner the Vatican, so quiet into their blood, to learn the city's noisy and flashy. In fact, this country is really small, no music, few seem able traveled to every corner of the first, but it left me memories that connect with the sacred religion has long lingering.

