
Tablet PC, another major threat is received by personal computer manufacturers are gradually adapting to the huawei android tablet review limited profit margins. Tablet PC now has a 30% gross margin, but the PC manufacturers only about 10%.Windsor said: "(If the Tablet PC manufacturers can accept such a profit in), coupled with lower manufacturing costs of the screen, tablet PC's price will be around 300 dollars."

Of course, the purchase of a wholesale android tablet review Tablet PC is not just the purchase of equipment - Apple can use its App Store
huawei android tablet review to provide users with a lot of useful software, but it also continues to expand its range of services, recently launched iCloud is an example. As the first generation of Tablet PC Andrews application services and prices can not go beyond Apple iPad, Windsor that they are of no value. He said: "Andrew Tablet PC is not good, not because of its ecological systems. They have to drive down prices."However, mobile devices in its online Apple also faces challenges. When it comes to the profits arising from each mobile phone is still the company's current business profits are high, but the smart phone industry is at the edge of change.

Windsor believes that the smart phone market profits are too high, despite the large margin now, but sooner dollars to buy a smart phone users will be less and less."Windsor is expected,
huawei android tablet review with Andrew equipment manufacturers in Asia - such as LG and HTC to enter the market, a surge of new growth spurt will come. This is the second grade for handset manufacturers to bring new problems. "They are not enough to have sufficient resources to innovate, we worry about Motorola and Sony Ericsson and other manufacturers, while manufacturers such that the LG condition gradually improved."

