
Amazon difficult to shake the apple tablet computer to the throne

The local time on November 14, amazon than one day ahead of the scheduled time launch of its first KindleFire tablet computer. Compared to other brand in the market of the tablet computer, KindleFire Zenithink C91 is the largest window can be purchased for $199, far less than most similar products. At present, iPad2 price is 499 dollars.
Two days later, the largest bookstore chain (BarnesNoble), north of the first tablet computer in advance NookTablet also sold its $249 price of that, and north also want to use low to huawei android tablet attract customers.
As Christmas and the New Year Superpad 3 shopping season is approaching, the two brand new product makes people feel warm festal atmosphere, also makes the tablet computer market strong the thick. Gartner analyst Michael bloomberg kato on the points out, the "low flat computer market will be more attractive."
Amazon's e-book reader, and huawei android tablet the market is old rivals, now also tap into tablet computer market. Analytic personage points out, the two companies are fighting each other in addition of Italy, their common purpose or hope to carve up apple's market share. Since apple launched after the tablet computer, although many enterprises have involved in the competition, but there is still the apple of the world. According to IDC in September this year the released statistics show that the iPad market share as high as 68.3%.
However, make the industry most huawei android tablet worried about the, the amazon and ba's low price strategy is not only the apple of Kings status, but may cause Android camp differentiation. Because compared to iPad, price advantage and make amazon and Reno tablet computer, in the same belong to Android camp of MOTOROLA, samsung, HTC, acer, asus and product advantage before more apparent.
However, KindleFire tablet computer into the market for doping. IHSiSuppli think, KindleFire to help promote the sales of the tablet computer the development of the market, this year it global tablet computer shipments expected a 7.7% increase. "Apple iPad launch nearly two years later, on the market is finally revealed a comparable with the products can be